since i already in 4th year of medical study = clinical year for the 1st time
yup, i am getting so much busy = i can't blog walking as frequently as i like = i can't update new entry as many as possible
but here again my new & 1st entry in NOV.
clinical round untuk cardiology department pon dah habis..
semalam is the last day & lepas ni i am gonna be in chest department
as always akan ada exam for each department after a month pusing2 tengok patients sakit jantung kan..
so as a booster for me & my housemates yg juga exam round for opthalmology
i made special cheesy wedges & treat mango ice cream as supper..
actually, mmg teringin nk mkn pon 1 hal gak.. & fyi, buat sendr lg best sbb blh bubuh sos, mayo & cheese as many as we like.. x der la kedekut kan.. & actually lg untung..
p/s-lepas ni kira x yah susah2 tahan taxi nk pi kfc semata2 nk mkn cheesy wedges lg dah..muahaha..
credit recipe to my beloved friend- dibah
ok lah.. doakan my friends & i for the exam,k..
thanks once again..
check this pic..sedap x? ngeh3..
Sumtimes im lazy,
i get bored i get scared,
i feel ignored i feel happy,
i get silly i choked on my own words i make wishes,
i have dreams
i still want to believe anything could happen in this world for an ordinary girl like me
3 doakan sy jd bakal doc. yg baik:
long time never hear about u nad. heyy, nak cikit!! =pp
sodap!!!!..nk gi=p
ermm yummy2!!
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