time fly so fast
when ever i think back the moment i entered kindergarten
i cry as my parents leave me & my twin alone there
scared of everything new around us..
then its primary school
they sometime accompanied & taught us about how to spend money during buying food at the canteen
teaching us English & Maths. especially at home
i miss those moments
dear ayah
u r 51 years old today
its great you are still full of happiness & kindness to everyone around you
always motivate & support us with your energetic advises
always teaching us to have good attitude
& giving us huge love whenever we need it
its like you know when we are in nervous or panic mode..hehe
for all the laughter & smiles
for the happiness & good times
for listening & caring
thank you ayah!
thanks so much for everything!
just want you to know
i always pray for your health & happiness
may ALLAH bless u always
i indeed having a great, lovable & the best ayah in the whole wide world
i love you
i miss you
selamat hari lahir yang ke 51 ayah
sanah helwah
saengil cukha hamnida
otanjobi omedetto
happy 51st bithday
shengri kuaile
joyeux anniversaire
p/s :)
remember to love our parents
we are so busy growing up
we often forget they are also growing old
Sumtimes im lazy,
i get bored i get scared,
i feel ignored i feel happy,
i get silly i choked on my own words i make wishes,
i have dreams
i still want to believe anything could happen in this world for an ordinary girl like me
1 doakan sy jd bakal doc. yg baik:
happy birthday ayah=)
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