i remember those bittersweet in making friends & keeping the friendship last longer
through many hardships in studying together
through different attitude that we need to accept for each other
sometimes i really just need u to understand me better
may be its hard to show appreciation
not mentioning the word SORRY
i am happy for u to be my good friend
i wish u r too having me by your side
sorry if i ever hurting u, made u irritated with my bad behaviors, hoping u accepting me as who i am is what i always think..
thank you
for being there when i am sad
for being there when i am in bad mood
for helping me in any difficulties
for accepting who i am
for the laughter & smiles
THANK YOU for everything
sincerely from me..
friends, i love you
Sumtimes im lazy,
i get bored i get scared,
i feel ignored i feel happy,
i get silly i choked on my own words i make wishes,
i have dreams
i still want to believe anything could happen in this world for an ordinary girl like me
3 doakan sy jd bakal doc. yg baik:
kak cntik ah blog ko..hehe..soft colour..like3333..
n touching ah entry nih..especially gmbr last tu..
me including nggak??hehehe
hargai lah kawan walau sejahat mana pun mereka. . kawan biar beribu, kasih biar satu. . :)
Hi, you just live your life as how you want it to be.
Our life today is not a dress rehearsal. We only get to play one round.
So live your life with no excuses, love with no regrets.
And have fun.
You keep a song in your heart, have a beautiful Sunday.
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