semester 9 exam 18-23/Jan/14
my study mates & me planned a gathering just to shower ourselves with special tantalizing food & drinks
just after the exam of half of the 5th year
here in Mansoura we enjoyed the moment
I never got a chance to eat in the Davinci Restaurant so here we go.. hehe
anyway, i just wanna say millions of thanks to my dear study mates ~ huda, hajar, wani, farah, husna, ain, aisyah, bell & my dear twin sis angah ~ thanks for study sama2 sharing knowldedge my yg tahu & tak tahu.. mana yg terkurang terlebih & tersalah info.. thanks again
minta maaf everything & minta halal juga for everything
love u all so much dearly kerana Allah S.W.T.
insyaAllah kita sama2 doa lulus semester 9 & for future too alrite girls..
missing in actions : aisyah, wani & husna =)
p/s-si comel khansa pon join study group & the gathering.. hehe..
pp/s - tengah berseronok kat Turki actually.. pre schedule posting.. hehehe
okay tata
Sumtimes im lazy,i get bored i get scared, i feel ignored i feel happy, i get silly i choked on my own words i make wishes, i have dreams & i still want to believe anything could happen in this world for an ordinary girl like me