sebulan menghilangkan diri daripada dunia blog memang 1 perkara yang sedih but nak buat macam mana kan..memang busy dengan new semester & tak menyempat nak hudpate macam2 kan..
anyhow,, twin sis & I are in 4th year
time flew so fast..tak sedar pon dah 4 tahun study kat mesir ni
clinical year really though & it makes me even wanna struggle harder..
but still I enjoy what i wanna do
watching Running Man (korean variety show)
baking cakes
watching movies/dramas
love do all these stuffs with my sister & housemates
comel x rainbow cake ni? hehe..we made it ourselves ..yeay!
okay for now i got a little time to bising2 dalam blog ni ha..
bcoz cuti hujung minggu & dpt cuti 2 ari sbb nk exam for haematology round..
owh by the way i got into oncology (haematology) department for my 1st round..
kira tengok patients yang sakit berkaitan darah la..
eg-leukaemia, anemia, multiple myeloma dll..
kadang2 kesian tengok patients ni ada tu sampai nangis masa kami nak check..rupa2nya dah on palliative treatment = doctor tak mampu buat pape dah..
balik2 je from Malaysia terus start kelas
sebulan dalam department yg berkaitan dgn darah mmg mencabar
& disebabkan dah berpecah kpd 3 group, batchmates pon jrg jumpa..
thats's why on 6th Oct that day we all have a family day for our sweet batch!
we had games, pot luck & enjoy taking pictures..
happy2 la semua sbb lama x jumpa kan..
group A-cardiology department
group b-chest department
group c- haematology deapartment
us!!! batch 09/10
well, I guess thats all for now..
happy2 pon tgh nervous gak ni sbb exam round just round the corner..
thank u!!!
Sumtimes im lazy,
i get bored i get scared,
i feel ignored i feel happy,
i get silly i choked on my own words i make wishes,
i have dreams
i still want to believe anything could happen in this world for an ordinary girl like me